Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Welcome, Eh!

Welcome, eh! 

J1 is a fantastic cook.  However, J1 likes to let the professionals handle the breakfast creations, except when he can be persuaded to make his to-die-for Eggs Benedict with real Canadian Bacon and from-scratch Hollandaise sauce.  (Gordon Ramsey doesn't know what he's missing, so sayeth J2.)  And accompanied, of course, by his famous Bloody Marys.  Or Caesars, as our Northern rels call them.  But those are usually reserved for when we overnight with friends as our thank-you-for-your-hospitality prezzie.

J2 likes to eat.  Doesn't cook much to save her happy life.  Whatever J1's cookin', J2's eatin'.  Nuff said, eh!

So, all this intro stuff aside, we've been hitting some PDX joints that feature breakfast.  We're Adventurers, with a capital A.  We go for more home-style than four-star.  True omelettes and syrup-smothered pancakes versus gluten-free granola and (with all due respect to "field meat") tofu scrambles.  We give "" a look, but prefer to make our own assessments.

Disclosure time:  We do not have any vested interest in any dining establishment.  We do have our doubts that all Yelp posters could claim the same.  Thus, our intrepid Adventuring.

Oh, right...we're AmeriCanadians. We were both born in The States to at least one Canadian parent.  Thank you, Canada, for letting us be Canadians, too!  (Search YouTube for "Waking Up Canadian" to see if you may be AmeriCanadian, too, eh!)

The first few posts will be catch-ups.  We've been thinking more about blogging than actually doing it.  Keep your stick on the ice, eh!

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